Celebrating One Year of Things That Matter

One year ago, we released Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life.
Thank you for making it such a wonderful success.
Over the last year, the book debuted at #1 on the Wall Street Journal Bestseller List, has been translated into 9 languages, received over 1,000 reviews on Amazon, and has sold over 50,000 copies!
As a matter of fact, just last week, it was still #1 in Happiness and #2 in Self-Help on Amazon.
Immediately following the release of Things That Matter, my family and I visited 12 cities on a Midwest Summer Book Tour where I got to meet many of you.
Since then, I have been able to speak on the topics covered in the book frequently in a large variety in contexts. In fact, I spoke on the topic of overcoming distraction last weekend here in Phoenix and will be speaking at Journey Church just outside Omaha, NE on Sunday May 07. If you live nearby, come say hello. 🙂
As always, you can find my speaking schedule here, or invite me to your next event.
The Becoming Minimalist Community makes all of this possible. So I wanted to take this opportunity to both celebrate the one-year anniversary of the book and thank you for making it (and this blog) such a wonderful success.
I get to do what I do only because of your love and support.
Things That Matter is an important book and I am proud of it.
It takes the principles of minimalism I am known for and paints a bigger picture of how distractions can keep us from meaning, purpose, and satisfaction. It calls to our attention other distractions than physical possessions that keep us from fulfillment in life. Distractions such as money, accolades, technology, leisure, even fear and regret.
Anyone who is looking to live a more focused and intentional life will benefit from it.
I receive emails every week from people who have read the book and want me to know how it helped them. Here are just a few messages that people have given me permission to share:
“I absolutely loved the book! It resonated with me and continued to spur my love for quality moments and times with family over material possessions. I am a homeschooling mom of four and I am requiring this book for my children to read in high school.” —Katie Washburn
“The book didn’t just have me think about how I want to be better… it actually helped me do that with self-reflecting questions. It is, by far, one of the best books out there. In fact, I’ve read it twice and still don’t think I’m done applying it to my life.” —Jodie Hermes
If you’ve read Things That Matter, what type of impact did it have on your life? It would be so much fun to read a collection of stories in the comment section of this one-year anniversary post.
And if you haven’t read the book yet, consider this your helpful reminder. It’s available everywhere books are sold including: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Walmart, and Independent bookstores all over the world.
I appreciate all of you for helping to spread the word. Let’s all live focused on things that matter.