How 1 Dollar Can Change A Life

I talk often about the many lessons I’ve learned through my journey into the world of minimalism.
I’ve learned the value of contentment—being satisfied with what I have, rather than constantly seeking more.
I’ve learned to see the beauty in simplicity—not only in owning fewer possessions but also in simplifying my schedule and freeing up time to spend with loved ones.
I’ve learned how to focus on living a meaningful life—focusing on things that matter.
And over the years, I’ve learned the power of one. For example:
One compassionate word can brighten someone’s day.
One random act of kindness can start a chain reaction that touches many lives.
One small step forward can lead to major changes.
And I’ve also seen that one community of remarkable people can spark a movement that is changing the world. And incredibly, one dollar a day can change the life of a child.
Let me introduce you to The Hope Effect.
The Hope Effect
In 2015, with tremendous support from this community, we launched The Hope Effect, a nonprofit organization seeking to change the way the world cares for orphans.
It’s a big goal, and an important one.
You see, millions of children around the world are growing up without parents. In many developing countries, orphans are raised in institutions—or what we commonly refer to as orphanages.
In an institutional environment, a large number of children are cared for by a rotating staff of employees.
Unfortunately, research has told us for decades that institutional care has extremely damaging long-term effects on children.
When children grow up in orphanages, they don’t receive the love, support and individual attention found within a family environment. As a result, children often have delays in every area of their development. And sadly, many children age out of orphanages only to face a future of crime, prostitution, or trafficking.
There must be a better way to care for orphaned and vulnerable children! And there is.
The research is clear. Every child deserves a family.
That’s why The Hope Effect is working to change the way the world cares for orphans by providing loving family care around the world.
Since announcing our nonprofit in 2015, the Becoming Minimalist community has rallied together toward this amazing cause.
Currently, we’re pioneering and expanding family care across the globe in several locations in Latin America and Southeast Asia. In fact, just last month we announced our newest location, Nuevo León, Mexico. More and more children around the world are getting out of orphanages and into stable, supportive families.
Through the love of a family, children like Lucas* have hope for a brighter future.
Lucas’ Story
Lucas was removed from his mother’s care immediately after he was born. After his initial stay in the hospital, Lucas was placed into an orphanage in Sonora, Mexico, where he spent the first few months of his life.
While the staff at the orphanage provided the best care they possibly could, an orphanage is no substitute for a family. During a time when Lucas should have been learning, growing, and bonding with his family, he was simply surviving.
Thankfully, our team in Sonora was able place Lucas into family care when he was eight months old. And in a loving family environment, he began to thrive. Lucas quickly reached new physical and emotional milestones, even overcoming some developmental delays within the first few weeks.
But don’t just take my word for it. Watch this short video to see just how loved this little boy is and how his life has been forever changed:
Give Hope For One Dollar A Day
Incredibly, just one dollar a day is all it takes to change the life of a child like Lucas. One dollar a day helps get a child out of an orphanage and into a loving family. One dollar a day gives a child hope for the future.
May is National Foster Care Month, and I’d love for you to partner with us in this important work by joining our Dollar A Day Team. Your generosity and support can make a difference in the lives of children around the world.
And if you join this month, we’ll double the impact of your gift for an entire year. In honor of National Foster Care Month, one of our supporters has generously offered to match the donations of the first 50 people who join the team… for the entire first year!
The Hope Effect is a 501(c)(3) organization, so your donation is tax-deductible within the U.S.
And we know you want your donation to be used for the reason it was given, so you can choose to direct 100% of your gift for orphan care work.
Every dollar you give will be used directly to help orphaned and vulnerable children find loving families. That was my commitment when we started The Hope Effect, and it remains my commitment today.
Thank you so much for supporting the vision of The Hope Effect over the last several years. It has been an amazing journey
Together, we are changing the way the world cares for orphans… because every child deserves a family.
*The child’s name has been changed to protect his privacy.