Inspiring Simplicity. Weekend Reads.

Minimalism is a lifestyle choice that reaps countless benefits.
Choosing to live a minimalist life isn’t just about decluttering your space—it’s about reclaiming your time, money, and energy for the things that truly matter.
But the path to simplicity is often against the current of our culture that values more and encourages consumerism. So it’s important to surround ourselves with messages and stories that remind us of the benefits of this chosen path.
With that in mind, I’ve curated a collection of articles that I believe will inspire and encourage you on your journey to a simpler, more intentional life. Settle down in a quiet moment this weekend and enjoy these reads.
Minimalism Should Come with a Warning Label: Caution—May cause sudden desire to alter everything about your life | No Sidebar by Nikki Cox. Once this tool opens your eyes to a different way of living that is counter cultural to the norm, your life may be changed forever.
7 Steps to Declutter Your Life (Not Just Your Stuff) And Live Simply | Hearts Content Farmhouse by Katie Shaw. These tiny habits build up over time and make a significant difference in breaking free of the excess.
Are Minimalism and Slow Living the Same Thing? | The Fun Sized Life by Renee Benes. The ties that bind these two together may not seem obvious at first glance, but let’s break down the beliefs that tie them together. You may be surprised to find that beginning one movement may just catapult you into the next.
The 12 Simple Rules Of Decluttering You Need To Follow | Organise My House by Chrissy. From starting to get rid of your unnecessary stuff, to finally becoming clutter free—here are the 12 simple rules of decluttering that will make getting rid of unwanted stuff (and the whole decluttering process) so much easier.
Simple Living: A Guide to Embracing a Minimalist Lifestyle | Practigal Blog by Theresa Bedford. Transitioning to a simpler life may seem daunting. Still, by breaking it down into smaller steps and focusing on gradual changes, you can experience the numerous benefits it has to offer.
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Yes, Decluttering Has an Endpoint—And It’s Wonderful | YouTube by Joshua Becker. Decluttering, like many worthy endeavors, requires dedication. It’s easy to believe that this must be a never-ending cycle. And while it’s true that we need to stay vigilant against clutter returning, that doesn’t mean we never experience the moment of accomplishment.
12 Subtle Ways You May Be Wasting Money Without Realizing It | YouTube by Joshua Becker. It’s not always the big expenses that drain our wallets. Sometimes, it’s the seemingly insignificant ones that prevent us from saving money.